
I am leaving teaching… Having completed  the grueling training and NQT years, like so many others I have decided to leave.

I’m not going to go into the reasons why, there are enough articles and forums explaining the many reasons why people leave teaching. Many will apply to me and many won’t. Besides I have nothing against the career itself and would never discourage someone from training to be a teacher. There are many great aspects of teaching and if it’s something you want to do you have my full support. While I don’t regret my decision to leave, neither do I regret starting the journey in the first place.

I have started this blog for a couple of reasons. First of all, looking on the internet there isn’t a lot of advice on what careers people leaving teaching can go in to or how to go about changing from this particular career. I intend to document my journey out of teaching so others can see what I did and hopefully get some ideas. Hopefully of what to do rather than what to avoid. Secondly as part of my plan out of teaching I am creating a teaching resources website. As I am a languages teacher it is quite heavily biased at the moment though I hope to expand in the future. This will only happen with a strong internet presence.

I am both excited and terrified at the thought of leaving teaching and I’m sure many will be feeling similarly. It will not necessarily be a quick transition as I have registered with around 5 supply agencies to ensure I have some income in the coming months while organising my transition. I have also registered as a private tutor and am applying for as many jobs as possible.

At this point I have had two interviews which I will go into further in later posts. I also intend to cover career options that I’ve found have potential, the process of becoming a supply teacher and life in teaching once you’ve given in your notice. I will also be covering other topics such as my hobbies as I hope to develop my work life balance further than I was able to as a teacher in the future.

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